Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main task and ancillary tasks?
Suspense was a large part of all of my media products because i wanted the audiences to react to the how the plot develops and characters become more cynical item that has came into there lives and how its lacks the power to nourish. In the trailer technique i used was to increase the editing pace, include diegetic voiceovers that quote that negativity between the characters. For example the quotation used by Brain Hurt 'You know i thought me and you where mates? Notice how i used the word 'where' thats because we're not anymore'. This device draws a line of negativity between the two characters and audience become more anticipated to what result of conflict it will end in.
The recurrence of the same font was another interesting technique to allow audiences members communicate the understanding that all of my media texts are of the same substance. I used the same font of 'Century-Schoolbook' and often the color of blue because i knew was great to use because its a dominant color throughout the film with the blues of Brains jacket that is featured through out.
I wanted all of my products to have an independent feel but i find sometimes it doesn't like the first opening of the gun feels very professional and the look of my magazine would appeal to a mass audience because of its professional look and reference to other mainstream magazine company covers like empire and total film because of its scale, layout, constant color-scheme and professional white background photo shoot that i precisely shot and included visually effected imagery.
I used iconography like the emphasize around money and bold stained money to show the danger money holds within contemporary society. I wanted to show the corruption of money like in my film trailer and actual film the moral of my story is 'When you position a item in the focus of your life that doesn’t require the strength to nurture, in time it will destroy everything you’re and corrupt you. Something as significant as a ideology or your perception on life. The basis of your humanity is vital and no one can be the foundation of it, it holds inside, in the focus. ' this idea of money being a actual force or living being is an interesting idea to play with and how its actually the living force of evil. This idea of primal fear or fearing something we don't understand is subverted because we all think we know what money is but not what lengths people go to when they're in need of it and this film reinforces the ideologies of corruption of money.
Another way anticipation is intensified through the constant imagery of the bullet, this theme of the hand gun reinforces the force of danger and stress around death which plays on the audiences fears not only because they fear death but the idea loosing a character that they like, this is why its best to show characters who're gunna suffer in a positive light so the audience feeling sympathy toward them. I kept on refering to the imagery of the bullet like in my magazine along with my poster because the plug hole on a connotation level represents the gun barrel and is loaded and this draws back on the fear of death.
I directed the character of Brain to point his hand at his hand to immitate the hand gun showing that he's use it on someone or either himself because he hates the mental and physical strain its putting on his life.
Above it the yellow highlighted circle i've noted that i placed the intertitles to show the actors credit and then suddenly bring the gun into frame, almost as if he whipes it away and brings your instant attention to the gun. He runs into the bedroom in an angry mood and the scene ends there with the audience left on a cliff hangover which makes them watch the film, therefore i've achieved my goal and caught the audiences attention.
I used the idea of the protangonist taking medication to show that he has psychological issues or unknown medication uses that he had been refered to by the cylnic, here again i'm using the technique of allowing the audience to question whats going on.
This sequence is homage to the Franic Ford Copollas masterpiece 'The Godfather' i thought refering to a film about betrayl and loyalty, also alot of people know of this film because it is classed as one greatest films evermade also it was just an aesthetical reference to a film i adore. here is an example of the sequence i was on about...
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