Friday 25 June 2010

Call Sheets

ACTOR: Tom Pugh

CHARACTER: Don 'Lou' Carter

COSTUME: Pale blue top that allows blood to be seen and stands out on the frame, also in earier scenes should be seen wearing school uniforms to represent the youth of today.

ACTOR: Ryan Burt


COSTUME: Blue hoody that dominates the screen and the 8mm camera will capture because i wanted blue to stand out on the screen to fit the color scheme of the poster and items through out. Also he wears a thin pale blue t-shirt during the end of the film to show that he's been rapped up most of the film but when stripped bear he's a different more psychological and dangerous character. Also should be seen wearing a school uniform for when they discover the body because it represents the youngman hood in contemporary society.

ACTOR: Chris Iceton

CHARACTER: Brad Thomas

COSTUME: Basic sports wear clothing, he also wears a pale blue t-shirt to represent he's on the same mind level of each of the characters.

ACTOR: Michael Gatiss

CHARACTER: Dead Body in hall way

COSTUME: Wears black tracksuit, this iconography of the color black and whole body costume represents otherness that the audience distinguish from the protangonist, almost as if he's the antangonist who brings this evil money and hand gun into there lives.

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