Friday 25 June 2010

Institutional Context

Roles and Responsibilities of Cast and Crew of The Film Industry...

Process/Development of a Film: To begin the usual initial process of the idea would come from the writer, director or producer. This would then be fleshed out with a loose structural narrative and scenes would be thought up and given strength with ideas of dialogue sand instructions which gives most scripts human nature for relation of the reader/audience.

The Initial Concept: The concept of the film can come from either cast or crew but the idea will change throughout production because often more minds become involved and the story has more depth and becomes large in scale with more ideas and character development.

Developing Financial Support: When you have a script or an idea you need to get it financed or funded to afford to shoot the film or pay the writer a work wage. This would develop into the pitch were the person enrolled would present this to production companies, sales, distribution broadcast, public investment, or private finance.

Script Writing Expansion: The script writer would then plan out the film through a step outline, there would be then a few drafts of the script until the whole crew is satisified with the narrative and character development.

Packaging: The producer would then (process) package the film and enable it to be commercially and financially successful. Begin fiancing the budget.

Financing and Funding:The script would be on the market and would need distribution and investment from a production company. The producer would raise money in pre-sales, banks and cap funding. Then the insurance for production would be determined through competition bonds. Finally the green light where the whole process is a legitimate completion of the process.
Pre-Production: The casting would inaugurate and the storyboards or institutional logo plans would be illustrated. The locations scouting and other forms of preperation would begin. The word pre-production basically means plan-production.
The Filming/Shoot: This will actually be when the film is shot, the emphasis will be on the actors and mainly the director for filming each of his scenes in time and doing in precisely and conveying his vision onto a camera lense.
Post Production:Rough cut, post production sound, inter-titles, colour and the editing of the film would begin. Then the crew would make a final cut of the film and it would be the compressed into a package.
Sales:They would then have to produce trailers and sell the item. They then would try and get the film some test or example screenings for the public’s opinion and official screening in art house or multiplex cinemas, its basically selling the film on the market to try and get as much as attention as possible , the more attention the more money.
Marketing:This is where the film is promoted and advertised throught the industry and across the world depending on how successful the film is; where posters, magazine publishing and any form of advertising are funded to be screened and presented. Marketing like gorilla (different and shocking pieces) and viral (online). The film would be then sold to exhibitioners.
Exhibition:The premier would be hosted by a variety of cast and crew along with close family mebers and friends to celebrate the films release, so it would be shown in cinemas and made into multiple prints. The box office performance and revenues would be rewarded and reviewed by critics ; marketers and distributors will recieve their fianance.
Other Forms of Exhibition:It then would be sold and shown on DVD, TV, and hospitality locations. Often more promoted through the films reputation.

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