Friday 25 June 2010

Institutional Logos and Titles and Own Sketches

This is the first cut video of footage that i edit of my production logo. I placed both of the images together to impose the impression that they're part of the same image by faded the edges off which i was intending Adobe photoshop but its was possible of final cut pro. I wanted the image to be memorable like most of the production logos so i give the diegetic ambient sound effect of lighting striking from garageband. This captures the personality of the name macabre pictures, suits the distorted font and relates the red clouds. My major dilemma now is that the pictures look to evident, i want to create a torch like glow that runs across the image but the question is how?

This is an additional screenshot of me editing the soundtrack and the images together on the program final cut pro, in which using helpful transitions like fade in and fade out to create a easy flow and a sense of enigma.

This is picture to the left is taken from search engine google image, i have chosen this for my background of the logo because my plan now is to take the actual title and blend it in with the background to create the illusion that there of the same text and visuals. I discovered this image by exploring red cloud imagery, I'm satisfied with this purely because the clouds appear with a sense of realism and i can experiment about with lightness and darkness on the apple based program 'Final Cut Express'.

The rendered product; i enjoy how the redness fades to a darker shade as the text moves toward the right, this would have greater impact because it is the way we read and write in english. I chose the text mainly because it captures the personality of the company and the visual fragmentation of splattered blood. I have saved this image into my workspace and will begin practice on final cut express by creating lighting and sounds effects to give the image life and a mysterious background. With reading the 'Usage Terms' which says, 'You are welcome to use any of the generated graphics in any way, shape, or form without asking permission. If you'd like to thank us, please tell your friends about this service and consider linking to us.' I now feel confident with my product and look forward to giving a sense of reinvigoration and animation.

This is the process i went through to make the choices for the look and presentation of my final logo. I choose to call my production company macabre pictures but i then re-wrote in capital locks to illustrate it as if it were impacting the screen. I settled with the color red so it would fit with the color scheme and on a connotation level represent the visuals of the macabre. I was going to make the background black with different iconic shapes so people would remember the logo. But i went exploring through different backgrounds and found imagery of red clouds or an illusive red velvet material. As i previously said i wanted to create an illusionary vague logo that was down to interpretation, this would create a more subconscious effect on my audience and make the text more memorable. Whilst improving my technical skills i new to render the logo as a JPG folder opposed to s PDF or other formats, therefore it would fit into my blog and final cut express.

This is my choice of font for the 'Macabre Pictures' logo, i intended to create this originally in photoshop couldn't create something as accurate as this, it imposes a dirty, gritty but yet professional look i was going for.

This website was the one i used to design my own 'Macabre Pictures' logo, its companies policy says, 'Cool Text is a FREE graphics generator for web pages and anywhere else you need an impressive logo without a lot of design work. Simply choose what kind of image you would like. Then fill out a form and you'll have your own custom image created on the fly. Cool Text is the worlds most popular graphics generator. Online since 1998, our servers have rendered over 400 million FREE images.'

This picture here is the first initial sketch of Macabre Pictures logo that i created in Adobe Photoshop CS4 clouds are hand drawn within by using the brush tool then applying distortion with the blur tool, therefore audiences aren't entirely know what the imagery is and is left down to their interpretation so the logo can be recognized on repeated viewings through the techniques of enigma. I chose the name of "Macabre Pictures' purely because it has a provocative sound and look, also for the reason that me previous skills development projects deal with the themes of violence and macabre subject matter. This will be questioning and engaging when entitlement when this production company produces and social-realist feel because audiences will be interested to know what a horror based studio can do with post-kitchen sink realism.

The screen shot below (under the video) is of me exploring Adobe Photoshop CS4 for the first time, i experienced a range of useful different backgrounds, layers, tools and texts, I used photoshop tutorials from youtube to help me develop my skills, like in this video...

For the text, i wanted the title to stand out, therefore I stuck to the chosen color scheme so it would attract audiences attention. I used an efficient reminder of my color scheme by using the useful eyedropper tool which distinguishes one color from the next. My highest criticism of the logo, is how the clouds and text appear too basic and amateur looking, they lack professionalism. The clouds seem too hand drawn which effects the appeal and class of the logo, also the text and look isn't how i originally conceived it as. With not being happy with my logo, i've decided to uses a more professional website text based company and design my own more appealing logo in which the diegetic sound will play are more curtail role with in the viewing of clip.

This is the most influential logo i've seen mainly because it horror side and aspect of the production company therefore if i aspire to this I will hopefully be able to capture the personality of my 'Macabre Pictures' production logo.

Whislt studying previously existing production logos, i found they all have music in the background and have an iconic imagery that can easily be remebered. Like '20th Century Fox' has a memorable strong orchestral introduction with the gold impacting writing that allows viewers to associate these visuals with the programmes. I will try and recreate these techniques in my logo, including a strong memorable sound that fits the imagery.
I went through arrange of style to fit my production logo but i wanted it to fit the characteristics of the piece so i redesign the look of it but the decided what i always had was perfect because it immediately grabbed the audience’s attention with the diegetic sound and the red was so bold and threatening it made the audience remember its significance to the film.

These are the sketches for my film trailer production logo, i decided on a wide use of drawing and sketches but i want one that really suited the personality of the film. Having already used production logos, i decide to stick with the same name but i wanted to create a new background and sound, a fresh new visual that would give the production logo a more heightened sense of enigma and darker appeal.

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